But I had one more case. Those who have kept up know I’ve had one case I’ve dealt with for four years - a man called me the night he was being arrested for defending his family, and while normally gun rights give me hesitation, if we are to have gun rights, he was 100% within his right to act EXACTLY how he did. I felt that way the night we meant at 801 Beretania and I feel that way know having heard the best case the Prosecutor would present against him. Read the article, don’t skip the end:
Again Another story for another time - but upon finishing this case, the last responsibility I had in Honolulu finished and whether I stayed or go’ed had no strings - It was whatever we wanted. And we decided to do what was best for our kids.
The pandemic was hard for the kids - and hard for us. We took it as seriously as a person could For at least six months we really didn’t see another soul - for the first three we hardly left the house - I did the shopping late at night, we did all the cooking at home. We enrolled Marcus in the “Underground school” A school in the building where I worked that only had two other kids besides him, a brother and a sister, and they were amazing to him, he really shined there. And when it was time to go back to his regular school - he was never motivated the —
Hah! You almost got me to tell you the entire story today: But no endings only beginnings, that’s today’s mission. The most important beginning is Osaka 2022.
Today, before I started writing this, I walked 22,000 steps. Two days ago I walked 19,000. The day before I got on the plane to Japan? 69. Yes, double digit steps - It’s a whole new lifestyle here.
We still don’t have a permanent place to live, if you have a lead I’d be happy to follow through on it. I still don’t have a job, although I’ve had phenomenal offers and fascinating business proposals, I think the goal here is to find the best possible place to raise these two children - once we realize what is important, giving my kids the best possible childhood as a way to get the best possible jumpstart on a happy life, everything else starts to take second place. A job will come, legal or not. Opportunities will come, but when I was a child my parents moved three times, each time to make sure I had the best possible access to an education at that stage in my life - Maybe it’s a Landsberg family tradition but we’re doing the same, our reach is just slightly more…. Global?
I have more but for fear of writing everything on day one I need to stop now. New phone numbers will be inning, but currently the same number works - the same email - the same text, maybe. I’m not sure about texting. We have a webpage we’ll set up very slowly, a newsletter to keep up with the webpage. All new beginnings -
So I promised no endings here but it turns out I’m already breaking my promises to you. Which is good, I want you to know from the beginning I may not be a reliable storyteller. Everything is from my point of view and I’m a strong believer that you never let the facts get in the way of the truth, that being said, for us to have a new beginning, a TRUE beginning, I need to have one ending. September 7, 2022 Was the end of the Hawaii chapter. Not the end of the legal plot line (although we may have a short interlude - long interlude?) and not the end of friendships or family relationships, those stay with us forever. But it is the end of weekends at Kuli’ou’ou walking out on the water past where the eye could see. It’s the end of Marcus competing for Kahala Jiu Jitsu. It’s the end of giving the “Justin Bieber legal update” on the radio.
But as it’s well accepted you always need endings to make space for new beginnings - a hard reset is what were doing. Last week every day the outline of the chapter had been written and we just filled in some basic blanks like legal mad-libs. This week everyday we wake up to an entirely blank page, and I’m excited for what the each page may contain. All new beginnings.
And the first one we start is